Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hiking in the 'burbs

Hi! Iz me, Prince Zuko. My typist haz been pretty busy, so not much blogging going on lately. Now we live out the 'burbs, I have been seeing more of nature. Including skunks and ticks, but dat is another story.

We went hiking near the new howse our first weekend. Mom didn't quite read the map correctly, so the "short walk" became about a 4 mile hike. It was pawesome! The first sign we saw told me this wuz gonna be a good hike:

I not scared! They should be warned about ME!

Yup, we climbed dat!

Along the way, mom gotz some video of me doing what I do - being awesome and encouraging her to hike faster!

-- Posted by Zuko!


  1. Wow! I'm so jealous that you got to go on a short 4 mile hike! Unfortunately it's still on the muddy side here for a hike. I'm hoping mommy takes me on one soon. I've been bugging her about it.

  2. @Mika: I did drag mom through a couple muddy bits, but overall it wuz dry and easy going. Except for the tick that stuck to me. Sorta freaked mom out but I wuz all like "what-ever". Hope you get a good long hike soon!!
